Marketing Automation for Art Galleries

Marketing Automation for Art Galleries

Duplicate the success of marketing automation from Client Galleries to your Art Galleries with our 4 popular campaigns. You can now create a special general discount or use one of our automated strategies like Abandoned Cart or Post Order Promotion. Even better? With the General Coupon App, you can invite the audience from your Client Galleries to your Art Gallery sale!

Your Voice, Your Campaign

As always, the apps come with preloaded templates that you can use to launch a successful sale. There are automated discounts, emails and banners that you can customize to your style and tone.

Abandoned Cart App

This app will automatically send your client a flash sale when they abandon a product in their cart. This is our most successful campaign for Client Galleries and we highly recommend it for Art Galleries! Learn More


Post Order Promotion App

When you use this app it will send your client a ‘Thank You Discount’ once they place their order, so you can encourage recurring purchases from frequent buyers. Perhaps they have their eye set on something else within the Art Gallery and just need that extra push towards their next order. Learn More

General Coupon App

Use this app when you want to create your own campaign and re-use it on multiple Art Galleries. It even includes an add-on email that can be used to announce the Art Gallery sale to the visitors in your Client Galleries. This can help increase traffic to your Art Galleries and close more sales! Learn More

Single-Use Coupon 

With it’s simple setup process, you can use this app to create a discount code and send it to your client to your client through social media, text or an email outside of Pic-Time. Learn More

We can’t wait for you to start using these campaigns for your Art Galleries and experience the success for yourself. This is just a beginning to an amazing platform and we will be bringing more campaigns to you in the future!

Posing Tips from Unscripted App

Posing Tips from Unscripted App

February 2021 Updates

February 2021 Updates