Pic-Time Launch at Sunday Suppers

Pic-Time Launch at Sunday Suppers

Our Pic-Time official launch event took place at Sunday Suppers in Brooklyn, NY, coincidentally as everything was blooming.


When we were thinking of a place to celebrate our launch, we wanted a space which embodied the same qualities of our software; simple, spacious and clear. Sunday Suppers Studio was the perfect fit. We had a wonderful time sharing a warm spring afternoon with an intimate group of creatives in this sunlit spacious studio. 

For the content, we wanted to create an inspiring panel which would comprise of individuals passionate about photography and were honored to have Justin Chung and Hamada Hideaki, both photographers focused on their professional careers and successfully published books of their personal works. In an intimate talk they shared with us their personal stories and how their own paths shaped their careers. The panel was followed by a lovely dinner prepared by the Sunday Suppers team.



We held a three spot giveaway contest for the event which included roundtrip airfare for the winner. With the theme being Spring for this event, we were able to receive lots of beautiful entries on our Instagram page which were also featured in collages on our Facebook page during the contest.



Our final winners, flew all the way to Brooklyn and celebrated with us. 



We would like to thank all the lovely people we had the pleasure of meeting through this event, Justin and Hamada for sharing your stories and inspiring us, and to our dear friends at Sunday Suppers Studios for being the best hosts we could ask for.

We believe in the individual and the creative spirit which brings something new into the world each day. We are here to support the photographers who live by this mantra and will continue to share inspiring content in every way possible.


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